Library Research & Use

Online research

You may search all our holdings in the online catalogue:

The online catalogue enables content searches spanning all catalogue entries by means of a simple or index terms/ descriptors search. Holdings are continually indexed.


Simple search: The option “simple search” enables a full-text search of all catalogue entry fields. Individual search words may be linked using u (and) or o (or).


Descriptor/keyword search: Choosing “index terms/ descriptors search” enables a targeted search for specific themes. Clicking on “keyword” opens the keyword list. Keywords may be entered by clicking on them or typing them in manually, and may be linked with u (and) or o (or). Adding the term down to the beginning of the search enables a search for the keyword and all associated sub-terms. For example: down “Namibia” a “migrant labour”.


Tip: Print out an ordering ticket at home to note your search results, and bring the form with you when you visit the BAB.



Personal research support


The library team is happy to provide individual research support, putting its expertise at your disposal.




We are a reference library but offer a loan of a maximum of five titles. Since we don’t offer user cards a loan can be made spontaneously by all visitors. The loan period is negotiated on location. Some collections (rare books, posters etc.) are excluded from the loan and must be used on the premises.


Library rules


Please familiarise yourself with our rules prior to your first library visit:


New acquisitions list for Namibia 2024

A list of new acquisitions from and about Namibia is available below. The list includes monographs, journals, annual reports, newspapers and electronic documents.


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