Research & Use


The bulk of our holdings may be searched via our online catalogues. We will gladly provide personal assistance on behalf of your research. Due to time constraints, we cannot however assume responsibility for extensive research tasks.

  • Search tips concerning the library are available here.

    For search tips on the archives, click here.

  • Older archive accessions were catalogued in finding aids and may be researched by this means until further notice. All finding aids are available as a free PDF download; some can moreover be purchased as print publications. The finding aids contain an introduction as well as indexes of names and places.

Working with the library and the archive

Materials from the library and archive may be consulted in the reading room; our terms of use apply. In addition, books from the library are eligible for weekend borrowing.


Particularly in the case of extensive research plans, advance registration is recommended so that we may provide proper assistance.


If you are looking for accommodation during your research visit, two in-house guest studios are available for rent at reasonable rates.

  • We are a reference library and do not provide for regular borrowing. The one exception to this is weekend borrowing. Between Friday and Tuesday (we are closed Mondays), or during holidays, you may take home a maximum of five titles.

  • Order Forms and Terms of Use for our library and archives can be downloaded here.

  • The Basler Afrika Bibliographien provide two studios for study and research at preferential rates. Visitors whose stay in Basel is not related to the BAB can rent the studios as well. In that case, current market rates apply. The studio-key can be picked up during our opening hours. For more information, download our info sheet or contact

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