Finding Aid PA 73: Religious and Social Movements in Central and Southem Namibia: African church movements, the “Windhoek Book of Prophets” and the Otjingerini in the Research Archives of Theo Sundermeier (* 1935)
- Language: German, English
- 54 pages
- Print: 978-3-905758-61-0
Saima Nakuti Ashipala (comp.)
Finding Aid PA 73: Religious and Social Movements in Central and Southem Namibia: African church movements, the “Windhoek Book of Prophets” and the Otjingerini in the Research Archives of Theo Sundermeier (* 1935)
Link to free PDF downloadReligiöse und soziale Bewegungen in Zentral- und Südnamibia: Afrikanische Kirchenbewegungen, das „Windhoeker Prophetenbuch” und die Otjingerini im Forschungsarchiv von Theo Sundermeier (* 1935)