The BAB Publishing House

Circulating Knowledge: From Manuscripts to Books

We have been publishing research contributions on southern Africa, and particularly Namibia, since 1971. Thematically, we focus on the human sciences and we also include “the Swiss in Africa” as a theme.


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What Are Our Books About?

Our publications deal with historical, cultural, political and anthropological research questions, in addition to biographical themes. They target an international academic audience as well as an engaged readership with a general interest in Africa.


Our goal is to promote cultural exchange and discussion on central contemporary questions with reference to southern Africa. Additionally, we aim to provide African scholars with a platform.


Would You Like to Read Books from Our Publishing House?

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We distribute our books on a global scale—as printed books in larger editions, as e-books and as on-demand-publications. We print in Europe as well as in southern Africa. Our distribution partners are based in Namibia, South Africa, Germany and in the UK. You can buy our books in a bookshop or online via our website. Or you can borrow them from a university library, thanks to global digital accessibility.


How Is a Manuscript Developed into a Book?

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Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, we manage the entire production process. This starts with a possible re-writing of the manuscript for publication and includes the editing and layout processes until a print template for the printers is ready. We support authors when organising book launches and reviews in academic journals and in the media. Additionally, we promote our publications within the book trade, at book tables and conferences and by means of promotion flyers, newsletters, advertising and social media.


Do You Want to Publish Your Manuscript with Us?

You are welcome to visit our webpages Services for Authors and learn more about how to become one of our authors. We are always curious to read new manuscripts and new stories, and to meet new authors.


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