Israel Goldblatt; Building Bridges. Namibian Nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi

  • Language: English
  • 2010
  • 138 pages
  • Illustrations, maps, index
  • Vol. 7
  • ISBN 978-3-905758-16-0
  • ISSN: 1660-9638
  • eISBN 978-3-905758-45-0
  • eISSN 2297-461X
Dag Henrichsen, Naomi Jacobson and Karen Marshall (eds.)

Israel Goldblatt; Building Bridges. Namibian Nationalists Clemens Kapuuo, Hosea Kutako, Brendan Simbwaye, Samuel Witbooi


Windhoek in the early 1960s: the 34-year-old politician Clemens Kapuuo knocks at the door of the senior advocate Israel Goldblatt to solicit advice regarding the myriad of difficulties encountered by Africans daily under the apartheid regime. An unusual relationship and friendship develops, one that transcends the racial divide in this South African-governed Territory and will last for nearly 10 years.
Meeting in Goldblatt’s chambers, at his home and in the Old Location, other participants in the consultations included the veteran politician Chief Hosea Kutako and a group of younger nationalists, among them Rev. Bartholomews Karuaera and Levy Nganjone. Through Kapuuo, Goldblatt also met Kaptein Samuel Witbooi and counselled the long-term prisoner from Caprivi, Brendan Simbwaye.
Israel Goldblatt’s notes on these meetings were discovered after his death and form the core of this book. They are complemented by additional biographical information about his interlocutors, and annotations that place his notes in their historical and political context.
Illustrated with many photographs, this publication pays tribute to Israel Goldblatt and the Namibian nationalists who attempted to build bridges where apartheid entrenched racism and suspicion.

Who was Israel Goldblatt? An Introduction

I „A lonely voice from Namibia“: Israel Goldblatt and the South West Africa dispute

II Israel Goldblatt’s first encounters with Namibian nationalists

III „They should understand the system under which they are living“: Israel Goldblatt’s classes and lectures

IV „Completely distrustful of the Government“: providing legal advice and assistance

V „Growth of a Rumour“: settler society and the Security Police

VI Visiting the Old Location, collecting information about African history

VII „I act on my own responsibility“: Israel Goldblatt’s critics

VIII Editing Israel Goldblatt’s Notes


I Letters

II Political Parties

III Biography of Chief Hosea Kutako

IV Interview Notes

V The Kasaona Case: Petition and Letter from Chiefs Hosea Kutako

and Samuel Witbooi

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